Iz Felase
The Zebrafish Italian Meeting (3° ZFIM) – 2022 – Prijava sažetaka do 30. prosinca 2021.
22.12.2021.3rd Zebrafish Italian Meeting – February 9-11, 2022
Call for Abstract deadline December 30th!
VišeNatječaj za posao u tajništvu FELASA-e
22.12.2021.Tajništvo FELASA-e traži administratora, a ponude se primaju do 7. siječnja 2022.
VišeICLAS-a (International Council for Laboratory Animal Science) raspisuje 2 vrste stipendija
22.12.2021.- The Veterinary Scholarships Grant; deadline for applications: 2 January 2022
- The ICLAS Grants FELASA Congress 2022 call for applicants travelling from a non-European country; deadline for applications: 15 January 2022
Natječaj za nagradu EPAAs Refinement Prize 2021, rok: 6. rujna 2021.
23.08.2021.The EPAA, the European Partnership for Alternatives to Animal Testing is pleased to inform you that the Call for submissions for the EPAAs Refinement Prize 2021 is open.
The EPAA prize is granted every two years to a laboratory technicians, technologists and animal caretakers. The purpose of this prize is to ...
VišePoziv za rad u Radnoj skupini Welfare and health management of laboratory dogs, cats and ferrets
23.08.2021.Poziv stručnjacima s iskustvom rada s europskim tvorovima da se jave za rad u Radnoj skupini Welfare and health management of laboratory dogs, cats and ferrets.
Javiti se na info@crolasa.com do 7. srpnja 2021.
Your association is invited to send *nominations* *of FERRET experts* that will be willing to work on the FELASA Working ...
VišePoziv za slanje komentara na dokumente Radne skupine FELASA o hvatanju i transportu glavonožaca
23.08.2021.- CephsCT_FELASA_WG Report-1
- CephsCT_WG FELASA_Report_Supplementary Info-1
- ToR_Cephalopod_capture_transport
Your association is invited to send comments on the draft recommendations from the FELASA WG on the capture and transport of cephalopods.
Please send your suggestions to the Vice President for the Working Groups (Martina Dorsch) – working.groups@felasa.eu – ...EK šalje na recenziju prijedlog dokumenta o genetički izmijenjenim životinjama
23.08.2021.Dear FELASA BoM representatives,
The European Commission sent their draft guidance document on genetically altered animals (GAA) for review. Please distribute to the relevant colleagues (i.e., association members and other stakeholders like animal welfare officers who are not members etc) and send comments to FELASA Secretariat felasa@husmail.com by Friday 25th June ...
VišeICLAS natječaji, rok za prijavu 15. lipnja i 1. rujna 2021
23.08.2021.A funding program for Veterinarians
A funding program for Veterinarians from areas in which training in Laboratory Animal Science and medicine is not available. The objective of the scholarship is to help complete an established training program in laboratory animal medicine which is recognized by organizations such as FELASA, ACLAM, or ...
VišePoziv za 2021 Global 3Rs Award
23.08.2021.AAALAC International and the IQ consortium launched their call for the 2021 Global 3Rs Award. More information is available here: https://www.aaalac.org/awards/ global-3rs-awards/
Deadline for application is 1st June 2021.
Good luck!Poziv na sudjelovanje u kampanji Be Open about Animal Research Day
23.08.2021.EARA coordinates the social media campaign “Be Open about Animal Research Day” – Get on #BOARD. The aim is to celebrate the growing proactive approach to communicating animal research across the world. The deadline to register is Thursday 13th May 2021. Guidelines and information are available here:
VišePoziv na predlaganje sekcija 15. FELASA kongresa
22.08.2021.You will find enclosed the call for session proposals for the scientific programme of the 15th FELASA congress, on 13-16 June 2022 in Marseille, France.
Please distribute to any interested colleagues and visit the congress website for more information:
The deadline for session proposal submission is ...Preuzimanja u svim EU jezicima
22.08.2021.Knjižica “Direktiva 2010/63/EU, Komisija za provedbu Odluke 2012/707/EU i preporuka Komisije 2007/526/EC”, zajedno sa svim prihvaćenim smjernicama za provedbu Direktive 2010/63/EU mogu se preuzeti u svim EU jezicima u slijedećoj poveznici.
VišeBasel Declaration Society objavio je 3R izvješće
22.08.2021.Basel Declaration Society objavio je 3R izvješće – zaključak – Animals in experimental research in Europe are treated with care
VišeNatječaj za studentsku stipendiju EPAA 2021 3Rs Student grants
17.06.2021.The EPAA has published its call for the 2021 3Rs Student grants. The purpose of the grants is to sponsor students to participate in the major 3Rs events in 2021. EPAA will award one full grant (1000 EUR) and one half grant (500 EUR) for each of the eligible events: ...
VišePoziv zainteresiranima za rad u Radnoj skupini Methodology for Health Monitoring of mice maintained in IVCs
27.05.2021.Poziv zainteresiranima za rad u Radnoj skupini Methodology for Health Monitoring of mice maintained in IVCs. Javiti se na info@crolasa.com do 29. lipnja 2021.
Your association is invited to send nominations of experts that will be willing to work on the new FELASA Working group on Methodology for Health Monitoring of mice maintained ...