Natječaj za nagradu EPAAs Refinement Prize 2021, rok: 6. rujna 2021.

The EPAA, the European Partnership for Alternatives to Animal Testing is pleased to inform you that the Call for submissions for the EPAAs Refinement Prize 2021 is open.

The EPAA prize is granted every two years to a laboratory technicians, technologists and animal caretakers. The purpose of this prize is to target those implementing alternative approaches to animal testing and/or raising awareness of their role for the day to day application and innovation of the refinement principles in particular.

The call is available online on the EPAA website and can be accessed via the link:

Applications should be sent to by *Monday 6 September 2021* at 12:00 (noon) Brussels time.

Thank you for sharing the call further with your students / contacts / stakeholders to ensure a wide distribution.

Dont hesitate to share this also through your social media, newsletters and websites. If possible send us the link so that we can share it via EPAA social media (LinkedIn, Twitter).