Poziv za rad u Radnoj skupini Welfare and health management of laboratory dogs, cats and ferrets

Poziv stručnjacima s iskustvom rada s europskim tvorovima da se jave za rad u Radnoj skupini Welfare and health management of laboratory dogs, cats and ferrets.

Javiti se na info@crolasa.com do 7. srpnja 2021.

Your association is invited to send *nominations* *of FERRET experts* that will be willing to work on the FELASA Working group on Welfare and health management of laboratory dogs, cats and ferrets. The working group misses a member with ferret experience, and only nominees with ferret experience will be considered. Ferrets are not used in many countries in Europe, and associations likely to provide such experts are particularly solicited by this call.

Please find attached the Terms of Reference, the document summarizing the duties and responsibilities of a working group member, and a CV template.